
As living things seek sustenance, they transform their environment and help or hurt the organisms around them. Using mathematics and experiments, I work to understand the importance of these species interactions from the smallest to the largest scales of biological complexity.

In 2016, I graduated from Stanford University with a B.S. in Computer Science and Biology. At Stanford, I completed an Computer Science honors thesis, which integrated public data sets to investigate the evolution of ectomycorrhizal mutualism. After graduating, I worked on ectomycorrhizal fungi as lab manager for Kabir Peay’s group (Stanford), studied fungal pathogens in Erin Mordecai’s lab (Stanford) and mathematically modeled the role of fungi in ecosystems in collaboration with Karen Abbot’s group (CWRU).

I completed my doctoral degree at the Department of Environmental Systems Sciences (D-USYS) at ETH Zürich in 2023, focusing on applying theories of coexistence from community ecology to questions at the ecosystem scale and beyond (“Uniting community and ecosystem ecology to understand the global carbon cycle”). Currently I am a post-doctoral scholar at the Institute of Integrative Biology at National Taiwan University, working with Po-Ju Ke.

Natural history is a lifelong passion of mine; in my free time I am often outside, failing to understand the natural world around me. I am an enthusiastic amateur botanist and mycologist, and enjoy contributing to citizen science projects including iNaturalist and MushroomObserver.